HO-CAの誰もが親切でした。 心を開いて多治見に行きました。毎日が私にとって特別な日でした。
I have just completed a 2 weeks workshop with Sensei Shibata and it was definitely an experience that i will cherish.
Everyone in HO-CA was nice and accommodating. I went to Tajimi with an open mind. Each day is a special day to me.
I have gained not only new knowledge but also a great cultural experience and new friendship in such a short time while I was there.
Definitely looking forward to be back in Tajimi again soon.

現在、私は香港美術学校で陶芸を専攻している学生です。 私は毎年日本の陶磁器の様々な技術を研究するためにHO-CAに来ています。
今回は1か月の磁器コースを受講しましたが、これは私にとって大きな挑戦でした。 滞在中、私は磁器土を使い、ロクロや手びねり、そして形の再構成など、さまざまな形の作り方を探りました。 また、青磁の釉薬技法についても学びました。
多治見市に滞在し、先生から学ぶことはとても楽しかったです。 先生は素晴らしい指導者です!
This is the 5th time I join the ceramic course in HO-CA. I started my ceramic creation in 2014 from Shibata Sensei. Sensei is an amazing person because he makes me love clay and even makes me evokes a dream to become an artist.
I’m now a fine art student, major in ceramic, in Hong Kong Art School. I come to HO-CA every year to study different techniques of Japanese ceramic.
This time I took one month course of porcelain, which is a big challenge for me. During my study, I explored different form building technique with porcelain, such as throwing, hand building and form reconstruction. Also, I learnt the technique of celadon glazing.
It was a lot of fun staying in Tajimi city and study from Sensei. Sensei is a great teacher!!